
RRPP (click to expand) 

The R package, RRPP, is a versatile package that performs residual randomization in a permutation procedure (RRPP) to generate sampling distributions of various linear model statistics.  This package is especially useful for high-dimensional data (many variables compared to research subjects), where parametric procedures are not possible.  The following are the different ways to obtain RRPP.

How to install:

devtools::install_github("mlcollyer/RRPP", build_vignettes = TRUE)

How to install:

devtools::install_github("mlcollyer/RRPP", ref = "bigData", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Vignettes can be found here

geomorph (click to expand)  

The R package, geomorph, is the most comprehensive landmark-based geometric morphometrics program, which performs virtually any analysis for landmark data (with certain exceptions).   This package is maintained by Dr. Dean Adams (Iowa State University).  Drs. Michael Collyer and Erica Baken (from this lab) are contributors.  The package can be obtained in the following ways.

How to install:

devtools::install_github("geomorphR/geomorph", ref = "Stable", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Vignettes can be found here

gmShiny (click to expand)

All interfacing with gmShiny can be done by accessing the website.